Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The beginning of new things!

Joe here. Today was the very first day of my animation class. I have a total of 13 students (one was out sick today, and the other is a teacher who wanted to take the picture below for me). I am very encouraged by the excitement these students have. They were having so much fun just rotating and moving a simple sphere in the animation program. It’s a varied group, with some only being in the 9th grade, while others are teachers at the school. The biggest difficulty that I had was trying to explain technical terms and concepts in Spanish, and I must have said, ‘Huh?’ a hundred times when trying to answer the questions of my students. I am very excited about the rest of the year and I hope the students enjoy the process of learning animation even though it can be a royal pain. I think Luis and Jose, the two guys on the far right, are already experiencing the stress of it.

 Something momentous happened two Sundays ago. 6 individuals got baptized at Ytororo Church, which is a church plant of Marangatu Church.

The individuals sitting in the front row in the picture above are the very first to get baptized at this place. The evidences of our Lord's grace are all over this church. There is something beautiful and appropriate about the fact that they have even begun a new garden in front of the church building. Christ is producing an abundant harvest here, and I am confident that He will grow and lead to completion that which He has started. Please keep these individuals in your prayers as they have begun this journey in the faith.


  1. Awesome to hear about Ytororo! And so good to see Luis and Jose in this class - they look the same!

  2. Hi Joe and Yoejin!! Stumbled across this blog and read it all :) God is good and what a blessing you two are! Fuerza and keeping you both in prayer! -Carol

  3. Woohoo! Love that ONE girl representing in your animation class!

  4. My face and Luis's funny :D
