Sunday, February 23, 2014

to the unchanging God,

Thank you for Your faithfulness. Please help me to be completely satisfied in You alone.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Back in America

Joe and I got back on December 20th, 12pm. To say the least, we were slightly overwhelmed by American soil that day. Coming out of the airplane, I didn't know what to expect. It felt like I hadn't seen my family and friends for so long and I knew that change was inevitable.

Ten minutes before landing, I told Joe that my motto for this new upcoming year would be "Enjoy life and take things one step at a time." At first, things seemed to be going smoothly and this motto seemed easier to apply than I had expected.

But things have definitely grown harder. Naturally, as well. This job-hunt has challenged me to re-evaluate certain motives. I realize I have so any idols and fears that I place above the Lord and graciously, He is searching my heart and refining me.

Joe finds himself in Dallas, working on another movie. I know that leaving Southern California as soon as we got back wasn't his ideal situation, but time and time again, he said to me, "Asi es la vida" (Such is life). Looking back on this past year, I have learned so much from him as an older brother, what it means to die to yourself and take up your cross daily, how to let love cover over a multitude of sins, and what it means to surrender everything to our Father, even our desires that, in it of themselves, are good, but expose deeper roots of idolatry. His willingness to move to Dallas, as difficult as it may be, allowed me to see his level of faith in our God and is constantly encouraging me to do the same.

I am being challenged to let go of selfish desires to stay in my comfort zone. It's interesting because one would assume that going to Paraguay would be considered a big "leap of faith," but I have come to realize that staying at home in San Diego with my parents is the scariest thing I could ever do. It's ironic because it's the place I called home for so many years before college, but now as I am given clear opportunities to go back, I am resisting and stalling for as long as I possibly can.

But yesterday, as I was talking with my parents on the phone, something clicked and I realized, it's time to go home. It's time to grow up and make decisions based on what is wise, mature, and most importantly, selfless. Putting my parents above myself, something I can't ever confess to have done in the past. I had been struggling with and praying about what it means to be a good daughter and slowly but surely, in His good time, God is answering my pleas for clarity.

The immediate future is still unclear, but my resolve is. To be unshaken. To have my foundation on solid Rock. That even in this time of uncertainty, the Holy Spirit will help me remain firm and patient.

So, I will enjoy life, not because things are good and everything is going well, but because God is good and my soul is well in Christ, regardless of the circumstances. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Life as a sojourner

Joe here. So after nearly 11 months, I'll be heading back to the states tonight. A lot of people have been saying, 'You are coming home!' But I've been learning that my true home yet awaits me even after my return to California. I love Hebrews 13:14 which states:

"For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come."

I want to live my life in such a way that it will be evident that I live with a heavenly hope, and that my identity is found in Christ alone. This year has been incredible and I am truly blessed. I'm really going to miss all of these wonderful people:

Thanks for following me in this journey this past year. Bendiciones!

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Joe here. Yesterday was the last day of school for me. I haven't completely processed the fact that the year is over. I'm going to need some time to let it all sink in. In my classes we had 'despedidas,' or farewell parties. In one of my 6th grade classes, I was presented with an awesome t-shirt with a picture of the class on it. I decided to wear it the rest of the day.

So thankful!

The 6th grade class that gave me the t-shirt

A picture with some of the girls from the class

A picture with some of the boys

Here is Mariam signing my school uniform

Cecilia had me wear these cool sunglasses

Some of my 5th graders, aka Paraguay's version of the Spice Girls

One of my 5th graders, Dahiana

Hugo (5th grade)

Sara Noemi (5th grade)

Matias, German, Jose, Gustavo (6th grade)

Diego, Josue Portillo, Junior (6th grade)

Ana Karen, Silvana, Ana Belen (5th grade)

I'm definitely going to miss all of this. It has been an amazing year and one that I hope to never forget.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Psalm 147:10-11

"His delight is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his pleasure in the legs of a man,
but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, 
in those who hope in his steadfast love."

Trying to hope in his steadfast love daily.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

October Highlights

Joe here. Our time here in Paraguay is coming to an end as we have a little more than a month and a half remaining. November is the last month of the school year and the thought of having to say good-bye to my students bums me out big time. This month is going to be extremely busy as we prepare final exams, turn in grades, and try to spend as much time with the friends that we have made here. Here are some pictures of what happened in October.

Olimpiada for upper elementary!

Team Bordo getting ready for their grand entrance

Some of my 5th grade students: Justine, Silvana, Ana, Violeta

A queen is selected from every class. Here they are taking their royal march.

Blanco vs. Bordo!

San Bernadino is a vacation resort for many Paraguayans. We made the hour and a half drive for a Saturday outing.

Posing in front of a lake

Yoe Jin, Eva, and Kacey

Lots of places to shop in San Bernadino too!

Trinkets galore!

Apparently Coca-Cola owns the park benches here

Kacey getting in her daily workout on a Coca-Cola donated machine...the irony

There is a large German population in San Bernadino and they were having an outdoor farmer's market of sorts

Delicious spreads of various kinds

Guinness World Record!

Paraguay broke the previous record for the largest harp ensemble. The previous record was 201 harpists. Paraguay more than doubled that!

430 harpists!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Sing Team on Repeat

Our time here is winding down... I can't believe how fast everything has been moving... October has been pretty full of events, but we are enjoying every minute of it and asking God for strength to finish this year strong! Please check out our other teammate's blog for pictures from some of the events this month (

I stumbled upon a group called The Sing Team earlier this year and have been listening to them non-stop. They are from Mars Hill Church and have a unique sound that I didn't expect from a praise band. But I love it!

Listen to their other songs HERE.

It has been getting HOTTER. I was starting to feel spoiled by the pleasant weather... It hit almost 100 degrees today with a lot of humidity... Finally, this is the Paraguay I have heard so much about... The rise in heat and humidity also means a rise in mosquitoes. We have heard that Dengue is coming back this season! Please pray for physical protection.

Thank you so much for your constant support and love!