Thursday, July 25, 2013

One more week of vacation!

Paraguay surprised us with one more week of winter vacation! I was thrilled but partially wondered what I could spend another week doing. The weather has suddenly gotten super cold... Dropped many degrees in the span of a couple days. I woke up the other day and just stayed in my bed for another two hours because it was warm.

This break has been fun. There was nothing crazy that happened, but I think I have been learning to appreciate the little things in life more so than the big things.

On Tuesday, one of Howard Shin's (past missionary) old Cerritos students, Rodolfo, took Joe and me to a small town called Nueva Italia, where there is a lot of land used for grazing animals and growing produce such as sugar canes and cotton. A very tranquil and quiet town where people are able to create their own work schedule and take each day slowly. It was a new level of "tranquilo" that we never saw even in our small town of Villa Elisa.

We ate, walked, ate, talked, played some pool (Rodolfo beat the both of us every single game), and ate some more. He is a current medical student, working many hours a day at a hospital. I was able to see his love for his studies and will be praying that he becomes a faithful doctor one day for the glory of God.

Spending time with the jovenes has been fun. One thing that I am convicted to do these last few months here is continue building and deepening relationships with the few that God has allowed me to grow close with. Even simple bus rides are great ways in which God is allowing me to fellowship with them. I praise God that His timing is indeed perfect.

Today at Marangatu, there was a conference for mothers by an organization called, Madres Unidas Para Orar. It was a workshop teaching mothers (and every one else), the importance of praying for their children and our schools. Although I'm not a mother yet, I was blessed by the heart of prayer that these women had. I am convicted all the more to be a future wife and mother that constantly prays for her family.

The speaker was Michelle Kvandal of Maranatha Chapel in San Diego. A mother of her own, her life is marked by encouraging other women to join her in this prayer movement. We are praying that families in Paraguay would grow in desire to make disciples of their own children. Michelle and her husband founded Su Refugio Ministries in Tobati, Paraguay. Su Refugio is a place where children and women are able to find spiritual healing in various ways.

This is where the story gets a little crazy. Earlier this year, I had reconnected with a friend from high school named Kendra after seeing that she was in Paraguay as well (via facebook hahaha). Turns out that Michelle is Kendra's aunt! Kendra had even told her last night that she had a friend named Yoe Jin in Paraguay...

The conversation went something like this:
me: "Hello Ms. Kvandal! My name is Yoe Jin! Nice to meet you!"
her: "Oh my goodness, you are my niece's friend..."
her & me: OMGSJFKDSLJAFSDKJSLKJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JFDLKS!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty crazy... Joe and I are going to try to visit Su Refugio tomorrow.

In other news, Olimpia lost the final Copa Libertador match last night against Brazil's Atletico Mineiro. Quite a sad night for half the nation... But Pastor Cho reminded us that we are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ! So we have peace.

Thank you all again for your support and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. CRAZY! And I miss those tranquilo days in vemos al fin del ano si Dios permite!
