Thursday, September 26, 2013

Student Spotlight!

Enzo is kind of a troublemaker. He has a hard time focusing and gets distracted very easily. Also, he is in the third grade class. Yes, kudos to you if you know about the third grade class. Just to recap, this particular set of third grade students has caused me much unwanted, but sanctifying, stress.

But, despite it all, I can't help but be totally in love with them, especially with this little boy.

I recently went on an excursion (field trip) with my students to a place called Aregua. They were super excited and proceeded to chant random things like "OLIMPIA! CERRO! PARAGUAY!" Then I caught Enzo doing this.

Although he can be hard to manage in class, he has the biggest heart and I pray that he will grow up to be a man who loves and fears the Lord. Please join with me in this prayer!

1 comment:

  1. ahahah, the video is more like a gif right now, but he looks like he's roaring. or about to sneeze.
