Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mother's Day

Joe here. Like I promised a few weeks ago, here are some pictures from the Mother's Day festivities at Colegio Presbiteriano Cerritos. Mother's Day is one of the bigger national holidays and is a day that people get off from work as well. People really love their holidays down here!

David Lugo giving a message to the parents before the presentations
My 6th graders singing a song along with their music teacher
One of my 5th grade classes exhorting their mothers not to get discouraged, because God hears their prayers

One of my 4th grade classes giving a presentation. The girls did a traditional Paraguayan dance while the guys did some sort of a bboy routine
Some of my 4th graders posing for the camera (left to right: Katerin, Michaela, Monse and Farid)
Kevin and Jesรบs from one of my 4th grade classes
Some cool 4th grade guys preparing to display their mad dance skills
Some 5th grade boys clamoring to make it onto paraguaydiaries.blogspot.com
I can't believe it's already June. Please continue to pray for Yoejin and me that we would seek out and make the most of ministry opportunities here. There are days when I wonder if I'm even being effective. But Pastor Cho always encourages us by saying that though we don't often see the immediate fruit of our labors, our God is faithful and we will see His purposes come to fruition in due time. I can find comfort knowing that the Lord can even use my failures for the good. Thanks be to God that His work is done through His resources and grace alone!

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